Of course where there is music there are ethnomusicologist to study it, and such study of Native music began in the late nineteenth century when sound recording was available to document. There are different forms in which this music is archival, some have written books while other have posted it on to a website. Author Kip Lornell published a book entitled Exploring American Folk Music in which he talks about Native American Music, there is also a web page on Wikipedia on the subject. Both of these forms of documentation cover broad areas of the Native music such as describing hat the music is "...closely tied to myth and religion" (Lornell 211) and that it "...is traditionally said to originate from deities or spirits" (Wikipedia Par. 5). They both go on to talk about how Native use vocables "...or lexically meaningless syllables, are a common part of many kinds Native American songs" (Wikipedia Par 4) an that they "..consist of short syllables like he, wi, or yo" (Lornell 215).
One of the more well know enthnimusicologists that study Native music was Frances Densmore. She collected of the music Teton Sioux in South Dakota by means of recording devices to make a vocal documented record. She also took notes and analyzed the patterns, techniques, and styles that she found within the music. I become an enthnomusicologist for the day and asked people what songs they could sing from memory. I just wrote down there answers while she recorded and mad e her subjects sing to her. She held an attitude of "the singer must never be allowed to think that he is in charge of the work" (Slobin 68). She would only record the best singer and she would depose of recordings that she did not deem worthy to be held on record. She let controlled what she recorded, she did not let the music speak for itself.
Native American music is a pure form of folk music. It is of the people and it is about there beliefs and ways of life. It is the basis of what folk music is, about people and their way of life.
Here is a link to a video f the oldest video of Native Drumming it includes Ghost Dance and dances of the Sioux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igmpvrRQIkI
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